The Meta Theory promotes the concept of consistent stages across various modalities. Religious stages, needs stages and financial stages correlate with the stages of psychological evolution. Individuals should be at about the same level for each modality to be considered healthy. This is true for organizations and societies.

A society is considered healthy when all of its relevant modalities (stages) are congruent as represented in the cells of the matrix. The religious system supports the political system supports the economic system. When those systems are working cooperatively, and they define society the same way, the society can be healthy internally as well as for the people in the society. This can occur despite the misperception from more-evolved societies of an unhealthy society. Focusing on one dimension as a measurement of health limits the society from achieving its full potential.


Social Meta Theory - Figure E

Figure e. Healthy State

An individual, organization or society is considered unhealthy if, along the various measurements of society, they are at distinctly different stages. These societies tend to falter and fail. When the horizontal modalities are not congruent, it creates contrasting confusion in the group. Individuals don’t know how to behave in the environment they are provided.


Social Meta Theory - Figure F

Figure b. Unhealthy State

As individuals evolve en masse, so too does society. Societies allow individuals to become more evolved and live in a more-evolved state. They allow individuals to actualize according to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, which is the tiered process a society goes through based on its exact needs. Initially focusing on feeding, society eventually shifts its attention to the development of the individual.